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Don’t Miss the Big Switch-off: Morph and Gamma’s Mission for Business Success

Morph and Gamma collaboration for the PSTN switch-off campaign

Morph and Gamma team up to inform UK businesses about the upcoming PSTN switch-off, bringing charm and humour to a technical subject.

Communications provider Gamma is collaborating with beloved Aardman character, Morph, to raise awareness about the impending PSTN switch-off among UK businesses.

A recent study revealed that 29% of UK businesses are unaware of Openreach’s decision to discontinue traditional PSTN lines by December 2025, a lack of knowledge that could disrupt business continuity.

Gamma and Morph aim to simplify this complex issue, informing businesses about their options and the benefits of embracing the technological transition. The collaboration also focuses on helping businesses understand that the technology to navigate this transition is already available.

Beloved Animation Character Morph Joins Gamma in a Critical Communication Drive

In an unexpected yet exciting partnership, Morph, the endearing Aardman character, has teamed up with Gamma for a significant cause. Their mission? To spread the word about the impending PSTN switch-off and ensure UK businesses understand the importance of this shift.

Why the Switch-Off Matters

A study commissioned by Gamma, conducted by CEBR, unveiled a startling statistic: almost 29% of UK businesses are unaware of Openreach’s plan to discontinue traditional PSTN lines by December 2025. This lack of knowledge poses a threat to business continuity. Gamma’s partnership with Morph aims to bridge this information gap, ensuring businesses are prepared for the transition.

The Present: Ready for the Future

While the shift might seem intimidating to some businesses, the technology to manage this transition is already available. Embracing this change can provide businesses with immediate benefits and enhanced experiences for both their customers and employees.

Why Morph?

Created over 40 years ago by Peter Lord and David Sproxton, Morph has been charming audiences with his slapstick comedy and unique communication methods. This makes him an apt choice for spreading the message about the Big Switch-off campaign.

Morph’s Magic: Simplifying the Complex

Morph’s ability to deliver messages in an uncomplicated and relatable manner is precisely what makes this campaign so effective. His long-standing presence in popular culture ensures that he resonates with multiple generations, including business owners and decision-makers.

“Gamma approached us with an exciting brief – To use Morph and Chas to help explain the big switch over of landline phones to new more versatile digital systems… we created a memorable, authentic film that plays on Morph and Chas’ classic antagonistic relationship, to show how beneficial and easy the transition to digital is.” – Will Studd, Director at Aardman

Behind the Scenes

Creating the campaign was a meticulous process, broken down into individual shots for seamless continuity. Peter Lord ensured the inclusion of some of Morph’s original set dressings, adding a touch of nostalgia to the project.

A Smile for a Serious Cause

While the Big Switch-off may seem technical and mundane, Morph’s charm and humour aim to make it more approachable. The goal is to break through the noise and address the knowledge gap surrounding this subject in the UK.

Final Thoughts

This unique collaboration between Morph and Gamma highlights the importance of communicating significant changes in a way that is engaging and accessible. The partnership serves as a reminder that we must adapt and embrace technological advancements for continued growth and success. Gamma’s efforts to raise awareness of the PSTN switch-off, coupled with Morph’s inherent appeal, make this a campaign to look out for.


Q: Why is Gamma partnering with Morph for the PSTN switch-off campaign?
A: Gamma is partnering with Morph to raise awareness about the imminent PSTN switch-off because 29% of UK businesses are unaware of Openreach’s decision to discontinue traditional PSTN lines by December 2025. This lack of awareness poses a threat to business continuity, and the collaboration with Morph aims to inform and safeguard the future of these businesses.

Q: What advantages can businesses gain by embracing the switch to new digital systems?
A: Embracing the switch to new digital systems can offer businesses immediate advantages. By adopting this new technology, businesses can ensure readiness for the switch-off and introduce features that significantly enhance the experiences of both their customers and employees.

Q: Why was Morph chosen as the ambassador for the Big Switch-off campaign?
A: Morph was chosen as the ambassador for the Big Switch-off campaign because of his ability to convey messages in an uncomplicated and relatable manner. With a history spanning over 40 years and appearances in TV programs like The Epic Adventures of Morph, Morph resonates with multiple generations, especially business owners and decision-makers.

Q: How did the collaboration between Gamma and Aardman for the campaign come about?
A: The collaboration between Gamma and Aardman for the campaign was met with unanimous support. Co-creator Peter Lord and author/screenwriter Chris Parker worked together to create a fun and playful narrative that explains the concepts and benefits of the switch. The film features Morph and his classic antagonistic relationship with Chas, showcasing the ease and benefits of the transition to digital.

Q: What was the creative process behind bringing Morph to life for the campaign?
A: Bringing Morph to life for the campaign was a meticulous process. The advert was divided into individual shots to maintain continuity, and some of Morph’s original set dressings, including specially crafted paint cans with their ‘Lord & Sprox’ brand, were incorporated to add a nostalgic touch.

Q: What is the goal of the collaborative effort between Gamma and Morph?
A: The goal of the collaborative effort between Gamma and Morph is to break the noise barrier and address the knowledge gap surrounding the PSTN switch-off in the UK. By leveraging Morph’s unique charm and antics, the campaign aims to bring humour and simplicity to a topic that may seem technical and mundane to many.

Q: How can audiences support Morph’s message and the campaign?
A: Audiences can support Morph’s message and the campaign by taking the time to view and share the campaign video. By spreading awareness of the PSTN switch-off and its broader implications, audiences can help ensure that businesses are well-prepared for this transition.

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