Building a Better Workplace: Westcoast Vision for the UC Market

The Unified Communications market is growing rapidly, with cloud platforms and remote working driving the expansion. Cloud platform usage by businesses has risen by 12% in the past two years, reaching 93% in 2022. The global UC market has grown by over 29% to $113.48 billion in 2022, with further growth projected at a compound annual rate of 17.4% until 2030. Although the UK market currently lags behind the US and Europe, there is significant potential for growth. Three key trends to watch are the integration of AI, the rise of mobile communication, and the adoption of cloud-based hybrid work environments. Cloud-based UC solutions offer advantages such as lower costs, improved security, and innovation-powered communication. Westcoast is poised to deliver leading UC solutions that meet the needs of the modern workplace.

  • The Unified Communications (UC) market is growing due to the increase in cloud platform usage and the shift towards remote and hybrid working.
  • The UK market currently lags behind the US and Europe but has significant potential for growth.
  • Three key trends in the UC market are the integration of AI, the rise of mobile communication, and the adoption of cloud-based hybrid work environments.

In the ever-evolving world of technology, a rising star is beginning to make its mark. Unified Communications is reshaping the way we work, fuelled by the burgeoning growth of cloud platforms and the seismic shift towards remote and hybrid working models. It’s a digital revolution that’s seeing a staggering 93% of businesses embracing cloud platforms in 2022, a 12% increase from just two years ago. Moreover, the global UC market is expanding at a remarkable pace, reaching a whopping $113.48 billion this year with a promising growth forecast of 17.4% compounded annually until 2030.

While the UK market currently lags behind the US and Europe, there is significant potential for growth. In 2021, the UK market experienced a 26% growth, compared to 66% in Spain, 90% in Germany, and 124% in France. This highlights the opportunity for UC business growth in the UK, with forecasts estimating the market value to reach £1.9 billion by 2025.

Three key trends to watch in the UC market over the next few years are the integration of AI, the rise of mobile communication, and the adoption of cloud-based hybrid work environments. AI is increasingly being used to enhance UC platforms, providing advanced automation and improved communication capabilities. With the implementation of 5G and satellite connections, the concept of “work from anywhere” is gaining popularity, with 84% of the UK’s working population believing it will replace “work from home.” Additionally, businesses are shifting more of their processes and tools to the cloud, creating a significant market opportunity for communication and collaboration tools that support hybrid work environments.

Cloud-based UC solutions offer several advantages for businesses in the changing landscape. Firstly, they can lower risks and costs by eliminating the need for on-premises hardware and facilitating easier capacity expansion. Secondly, cloud-based UC platforms provide robust security features, addressing the growing cybersecurity concerns as the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) approaches its shutdown in 2025. Lastly, UC platforms powered by AI and automation features can streamline communication and improve customer experience.

The integration of AI and automation in UC brings several benefits, such as automated scheduling, real-time transcriptions, and AI-assisted cameras and mics. These advancements relieve the burden of mundane administrative tasks and enhance meeting room experiences. Furthermore, UC technology is becoming more accessible, with features designed to accommodate physical impairments, including voice assistance, text-reading functions, and instant subtitles.

Westcoast aims to transform the modern workplace infrastructure and inspire change within the UC market. The company is committed to developing leading UC solutions that support broader infrastructure across client, cloud, and mobile domains, with a focus on customer experience and outcomes.

In the grand scheme of things, it’s indisputable that the UC market is a force to be reckoned with. As we increasingly adopt cloud platforms and lean into remote and hybrid working, businesses stand to gain substantial benefits. From cost savings to enhanced security and innovation-driven communication, the perks are considerable. The exciting integration of AI brings a new dimension to UC platforms, automating tasks and enriching meeting experiences. As the landscape continues to evolve, companies like Westcoast are at the forefront, developing pioneering UC solutions that are set to transform the modern workplace. It’s a thrilling time, so keep your eyes peeled for more exciting updates from Westcoast in the coming months. The future of work is here, and it’s unified.


Q: What is driving the growth of the Unified Communications market?

A: The growth of the UC market is primarily driven by the increased use of cloud platforms by businesses and the shift towards remote and hybrid working.

Q: How much has the use of cloud platforms increased in the past two years?

A: According to Westcoast’s press release, the use of cloud platforms by businesses has increased by 12% in the past two years, reaching 93% in 2022.

Q: What is the current value of the global UC market?

A: The global UC market is currently valued at $113.48 billion in 2022, with projections indicating further growth at a compound annual rate of 17.4% until 2030.

Q: How does the UK market compare to the US and Europe in terms of UC market growth?

A: The UK market currently lags behind the US and Europe in terms of UC market growth. In 2021, the UK market experienced a 26% growth, compared to 66% in Spain, 90% in Germany, and 124% in France.

Q: What is the estimated market value of the UC market in the UK by 2025?

A: Forecasts estimate that the market value of the UC market in the UK will reach £1.9 billion by 2025.

Q: What are the three key trends to watch in the UC market?

A: The three key trends to watch in the UC market are the integration of AI, the rise of mobile communication, and the adoption of cloud-based hybrid work environments.

Q: What advantages do cloud-based UC solutions offer for businesses?

A: Cloud-based UC solutions offer several advantages for businesses, including lower risks and costs, robust security features, and improved communication and collaboration capabilities.

Q: How can AI and automation enhance UC platforms?

A: AI and automation can enhance UC platforms by providing advanced automation, real-time transcriptions, AI-assisted cameras and mics, and features designed to accommodate physical impairments.

Q: What is Westcoast’s goal in the UC market?

A: Westcoast aims to transform the modern workplace infrastructure and inspire change within the UC market by developing leading UC solutions that support broader infrastructure across client, cloud, and mobile domains, with a focus on customer experience and outcomes.


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