Logitech Spot: Making the Invisible Visible in the Workplace

Logitech has introduced Logitech Spot, a workplace occupancy and environmental sensor that is packed with advanced sensors. Spot detects space occupancy to automate meeting room reservations and monitors environmental conditions to provide suggested actions to help companies improve workplace well-being and reduce energy costs.

If employees are falling asleep at work, it’s not always because the meeting is boring. In bustling workplaces, employees move in and out of scheduled or ad-hoc meetings in spaces that continuously use energy and recirculate air. 

“Businesses know that invisible productivity and energy killers exist, but seeing the actual numbers can be alarming,” said Prakash Arunkundrum, Chief Operating Officer and GM, Logitech for Business. “Logitech Spot solves the mystery of the number of people using spaces, the quality of the air they’re breathing, and environmental factors that can impact energy consumption–arming businesses with the information they need to address these unseen barriers.”

The battery-powered sensor can be installed wirelessly in seconds with a simple peel-and-stick to the wall and is suitable for standard rooms, phone booths, and flexible spaces. Pair it via Bluetooth to any CollabOS device such as Tap Scheduler; or for rooms with no video conferencing technology, pair to a Long-Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWan) gateway.

The sensor data is fed into Logitech Sync management portal for IT teams to see individual room performance or a snapshot across all rooms. Sync then calculates room Health and Energy Scores with specific suggestions, such as using a fan or reducing the number of people in the room when airflow is at less-than-optimal levels. In parallel, the presence detector uses radar to indicate whether rooms are occupied and automatically books and releases rooms accordingly.

Spot integrates with workspace management capabilities in Microsoft Places and Microsoft Teams, as well as leading workplace platforms Appspace, Metrikus, Samsung Smart Things Pro, Zoom Workspace Reservation and Logitech Room Booking. Additionally, companies can also access the raw sensor data through Sync APIs to easily incorporate room health insights and energy efficiency benefits into their existing ecosystems.

Energy Management
LogitechSpot delivers energy scores based on analysis of indoor and outdoor temperature, paired with occupancy data, to give company leaders an illuminating view into their real estate footprint. That view can be used to modify energy settings when rooms aren’t in use.

The ultra-low-power device goes into deep sleep between measurements to save energy, and uses standard, off-the-shelf batteries that last up to four years and are easily replaced. 

Logitech Spot will be available in the second half of 2025. Logitech Spot’s sensing capabilities are also embedded within Rally Board 65, Logitech’s new portable all-in-one video conferencing solution with an interactive 65″ inch display that you can easily roll in and out of open spaces or mount in traditional meeting rooms.

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